HEALTH and NUTRITION //////////////////// Rachel's Environmental and Health Weekly Gopher to: select "ftp" then select "The World's Anonymous FTP Archive" then select "Periodicals" and finally select "Rachels" This weekly journal is put out by the "Environmental Research Foundation" and offers information relating to health and environmental issues. The archive contains over 400 back issues but the organization of the archive is first-rate so finding what you want won't be a difficult task. Not only does this journal contain original articles but it contains compilations of articles, info and viewpoints from many other publications. The New York Times, The Nation and The Miami Herald are just a few examples. FDA regulations and how they affect what you eat, farming practices and a whole lot more are included. This is a plethora of information yet its clear and concise layout make it an undaunting archive to find the info you need. A highly recommended site to visit to find health and environmental issues and how they both relate to one another. Informative and well done! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Virtual Hospital This really is just like a virtual hospital without all the high costs! This web site is the quintessential online heath site and offers perhaps the best and most complete assortment of health info and links available. Everything from pediatrics (child care) to dental care and much more. If you only could have one general health related site on the web - it would without a doubt be this one. I suggest coming in for a visit. I have to give this a ***** five star rating and recommend this site to everyone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Health Resources An extrememly useful and well done guide complete with links to the various health and medial related resources found on the Internet. The guide is broken down into subject area and is easy to use and you will be quickly able to find topics of interest using this web page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Campus Clinic Gopher to: 700 Original site was established to help students find general health info but it has developed to include informative sections on health insurance, diet, drug abuse, drug symptoms, and sexual abuse. A wealth of health info resides within this archive/server. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Univ. of Ill. Fitness Gopher Gopher to: select "Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Informaton" then select "Campus Services" then select "Health Services" then select "Health Information" then finally select "Fitness" Wow! It's a workout just getting to the right menu on this gopher but once you get there - the trek is worth it! Many articles, info and tips on topics that relate to fitness and well-being. Workout and excercise advice, basic body muscle group work-outs, aerobics and many more are contained in here. Also includes nutrition advice and a host of fitness guidelines, programs, regimens, and resources. Whew! You'll get a workout just reading all this information. If you're into fitness or health - take a jog over here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Heart Association Gopher Gopher to: There is not too much consumer oriented info on this site at this time. Much of the info deals with the Am Heart Assoc. policy statements and the management procedures and bureaucratic processes of the Association. The AHA has said that they were going to include more consumer info when this site was updated later in 1995 so stay tuned... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Gopher (Ohio State Univ. Medical Center) Gopher to: 70 A plethora of health related issues. Includes healthy recipes, cookbook bibliographies and great alternative snacking suggestions. Suggestions included pretzels in favor of potato chips (to reduce cholesteral intake), cutting back on cold-cuts and having home-cooked unprocessed meats. If you want to find out about health issues - hurry on over to here - now if I could just get rid of this carpel-tunnel syndrome... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWW Vegetarian page Get the "low-down" of many vegetarian diets. Includes reports on fast-food chains claims. McDonald's, Domino's Pizza and even airline fare is rated. Pass the celery sticks please. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDA Food Labelling Information (US Food and Drug Administration) Gopher to: 70 then choose "USDA and Other Federal Agency Information" from the opening menu. Then choose "Food Labelling Information: FDA Regulations" You'll get behind the "hype" and see just what those labels really mean. True nutritional values and lots of other things can be understood and assessed from current labels required on foods. A little heavy but can still be understood by the average consumer. A good site for students and teacher that need info on nutrition and/or food labelling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Various Nutrition and Food related Internet resources ftp to: in the --> /pub/recipes ftp to: in the --> /pub/recipes ftp to: in the --> /pub/ ftp to: in the --> / telnet to: 12345 telnet to: telnet to: 12345 telnet to: telnet to: telnet to: By no means a definitive least or a listing of archives that have vast amounts of nutrition and/or food information - but these sites are worth poking around and finding a file or two. Temple University's site is well worth the trip. I recommend "rooting" around all these sites for info that is not to be found elsewhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Univ of North Carolina Health and Medicine FTP Site FTP to: in the --> /pub/academic/medicine A huge archive of medical, nutritional and health related info resides here Almost any health topic you are looking for is here and this is one of the best sites on the Internet for finding such info. The ftp site is well laid out and organized so finding the info is made easier. A great resource site --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Argonne Anti-Jet Lag Diet ftp to: 70 in the --> /00/misc/jet-lag-diet gopher to: 70 then choose "Misc" U.S Dept. of Energy came up with a way to eat to avoid jet lag. The diet plan was originally developed for shift workers to adjust to changing shifts with a minimum of eating problems or diet problems. If you're flying between time-zones there are step-by-step instructions on how to minimize "jet-lag" by giving a regimen for eating and including this diet regimen in your travel plans. Seasoned travellers saythis really works. Of course virtual travellers should eat better too. Put down those chips and cheeze curls and get on over to this site pronto! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona Health Science Laboratory Nutrition Page A virtual cornucopia of information. This page was developed for nutrition reasearchers, educators, and students wishing to learn more about issues and facts relating to nutrition. Resources can be viewed by subject, and by format. Links to other pages as well. The Yahoo Nutrition page is also highly recommended. Now put those cheeze-doodles down ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fat-Free Recipe Archive ftp to: located in --> /pub/Vegetarian/Recipes/FatFree Thiry-four categories from Burritos to Oatmeal to Zucchini Bread. Full menus of Breakfasts, Lunch ideas and Dinner. Not just for celery sticks! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Women's Health Gopher (Univ of Ill. at Urbana-Champaign Gopher) gopher to: A virtual medicine cabinet for women related health issues. Info about the Pill, PMS and breast self-examination are only a few of the topics. Also contains information related to pregnancy health care issues. Great site! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myers-Briggs Personality Test A forms based web page that gives you the famous Myers-Briggs test online. You simply answer the multiple choice questions (70 questions) then total up your score. After your score is tallied your "personality traits" are reduced to a four letter code that is your Keirsey Temperament Test Result. Your score results also get you a list of others who share your score. People from Abraham Lincoln to Isaac Asimov could be your personality peers and the four letter personality code is recognized world-wide by many Psychiatric and Psychological organizations. Give this a try - it's fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Australasian Anaesthesia on WWW: Chris Thompson at the Department of Anaesthesia within the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, Sydney,Australia has made a wonderful page that is both informative for professionals and for non-professionals. Answers to many common questions are available and there are links to other related info. A fine beginning for a needed page on anesthetic topics. We hope this page becomes a "knockout". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injury Primer Web Page As more and more educational work involves using computers, students and instructors alike need to be aware of the hazard of Repetitive Strain Injury to the hands and arms that can result from the use of computer keyboards and mice. This is a serious and very painful condition that is far easier to prevent than to cure once contracted, and can occur even in young physically fit individuals. It is not uncommon for people to have to leave computer-dependent careers as a result, or even to be permanently disabled and unable to perform tasks such as driving or dressing themselves. Graduate students in computer science and engineering are in a particularly high risk group as well as office workers spending large and conitiguous amounts of time at terminals or computers. Hmmm.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asthma, Allergy and Immunology home page Offering allergy, asthma, and immunology information to the public and the professional. Although this page is in its infancy, we hope to add more AAAAI information, as well as more links to other relevant sources of information. As such, your comments are greatly appreciated. What is the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology? The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) is the largest national professional medical society representing allergists, immunologists, and related allied health professionals. It is comprised of 4600 clinicians, academicians, research scientists and allied health professionals from the United States, Canada, and more than 40 foreign countries. The purpose of the AAAAI is to advance the knowledge and practice of allergy and immunology through discussion at meetings and through electronic communication; to foster the education of both students and the public; to promote and stimulate allergy and immunology research study; and to encourage the unity of and cooperation among those engaged in the field of allergy and immunology. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canadian Medical Association WWW page The Canadian Medical Association health-information service is now available on the WWW. The CMA is the first national medical association in the world to provide such a service to its members and the public. CMA Online provides news from the world of health care, extracts from the current medical literature, and information about the CMA's policies, activities and publications. Both health professionals and members of the public will be able to take advantage of the information provided here. Well done page! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hazardous Substances & Public Health Newsletter (ATSDR Homepage) The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has announced that their monthly newsletter is available to the public online via the WWW at the ATSDR Homepage. ATSDR's mission is to prevent exposure and the adverse human health effects and diminished quality of life associated with exposure to hazardous substances from waste sites, unplanned toxic releases, and other sources of environmental pollution. If you're unfamiliar with the ATSDR Homepage altogether, it contains links to ATSDR's toxicological profiles of hazardous substances, public health statements about exposure effects, and the HazDat database, which contains information about the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites or emergency events and their effect on health. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post-Polio Internet Resources Don't be hesitant to post questions or comments. If you need info, would like to share an experience, or would just like to say hello, that is what this is all about. There are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly folks around here. If this topic pertains to you - give this service a try. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physiology Home Page Physiology: the study of normal function of organs. The Department of Physiology at the University of Arizona, College of Medicine has recently provided this WWW page to the general public. This site contains formatted text, tables, graphic figures, photographs, animation, movie and sound files pertaining to physiology, the study of normal function of organs and organ systems within all living organisms at all levels of integration. The site will initially offer lecture notes and other material for an undergraduate Physiology course entitled "How the Body Works". Eventually we hope to support our graduate and medical courses as well. The information is always available to the public and might be considered the best source of physiological information on the WWW. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post-Polio Internet Resources or... FTP to: /pub/user/dempt/polio Literally tons of info and resources on Polio and post-polio symptoms and support groups. Also - the "medindex" [medindx.html] has lots of links to other medical information and afflications/diseases. A good source of info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- On-Line Personal Nutritional Profile This site, sponsored by Mirical Nutrition Corp., has a neat forms-based section where you fill out your age, weight, height and sex (ok... this is not a yes or no question - M or F please) and you will then be given a personal nutrition guide that equates "the optimum amount and type of food nutrients you should be consuming based on your personal attributes." Hey - this is pretty cool - informative too - if you can understand it... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healthwise Wonderful collection of health related information and archives. This has become one of the most popular sites for obtaining health related info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ben Gardiner's AIDS BBS Gopher to: select --> bio and medical gophers/hiv-aids/gophers/aids bbs/ All types of treatment information including standard forms of treatment and new experimental methods. There is way too much to list and explain here but suffice to say that if you need info on AIDS or AIDS related issues then here is the place to visit and learn. Not only is there solely medical information but cultural and political info on AIDS including news article archives and lots more. This is a world-famous site and there is none better on the topic and issues of AIDS. A great resource site. Also includes support forums and more. This is a gopher mirror to the actual interactive BBS and so contains tomes of mostly textual material. It's not easy to know what is contained within each file as they are not clearly marked and the BBS archived messages are not marked either. It may take some work to get around this gopher site but it might pay off for the alternative is a long distance call to the San Francisco BBS phone number unless you happen to live in or around that region. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CancerNet The National Cancer Institute's home page has a wealth of cancer info that includes info for both doctor and cancer patient. A good resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Safer Sex Page Lots of educational info on many STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and a special section on AIDS. A good educational and informative resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Body Electric Some things just can't be taken care of with nutrition and exercise so here is a page that might help in these instances - a web page devoted to plastic surgery! Tummy tucks, face lifts, eye lifts, liposuction and more. This site has a fairly complete set of "before" and "after" pictures to show you the (sometimes) dramatic results of such surgical procedures. Of course these procedures aren't for everyone but then neither is this page - but if you're interested in learning a bit more about plastic surgery and reconstructive techniques and the results that can be achieved then here is the web page for you to browse through pictures and info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Illustrators' Home Page Illustrations and pictures of anatomical and medically related areas. Has pictures of both healthy and diseased tissues and body parts. Also contains pictures of skeletal portions and full skeletal views. Too much to list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centers for Disease Control (and Prevention) - National AIDS Clearinghouse gopher:// (port 72 selector 11) Offers in-depth reports on AIDS and AIDS related info, how to live with someone with AIDS and where to get even more info on AIDS. This might also be used in the classroom as an educational resource for Health issues. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (Electronic version) This is a Centers for Disease Control web site that contains a detailed list of diseases, viral and bacterial outbreaks, poisons and other related lists that deal with public health topics. This is list is quite large and it seems that nearly every known public health menace is on it. Also has links to pictures and graphic representations of disease stages in human beings that are quite gruesome even for med students. There are many other links here to various disease control centers and disease related info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Digital Quilt Literally this site is a "digital quilt". You can make your own patch for the quilt by taking a blank patch from the site, create a design or color or whatever you want for the patch in a graphics program you have and then send back your self-designed patch back to the site via ftp to be included in the ever-growing quilt. Originally the concept came from the AIDS quilt started in Wash., DC (US). If you've lost a loved one to this disease and want a way to show your rememberance, this digital site can let you show such rememberance as you link with others in an analogous way through the linking together of home-crafted digital quilt patches. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Center gopher to: Information on Alzheimer's and pointers on where to obtain further info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maternal and Child Health Network (MCH-Net) Gopher to: This is a service of the Institute for Child Health Policy, Univ of Florida and mostly deals with information related to the child healthcare, child welfare, child care and day care and social work professions. The info was not directly about children per se but geared towards those who would take care of them. US Dept of Health and Human Services reports and other types of related documents are available for those in the childcare field. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midwifery, Pregnancy and Birth Related Information http:/ This sight covers all sorts of pregnancy and birth giving information with a decided slant towards home birth and midwife delivery. Info also includes pre-natal care and nutrition during pregnancy and contains links to other web sites such as the CEA (Childbirth Education Assoc) and usenet groups. There is also a few mailing lists that can be subscribed to that deal with birth and pregancy related issues and topics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homeopathy Home Page Offers alternatives ways to combat illness without using typical solutions such as antibiotics and prescribed drugs. Included here is the Homeopathy FAQ document and a list of Homeopathic Internet Resources. A good way to find out about alternative methods and holistic health information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Bower's Complimentary Medicine Home Page Another alternative medicine home page that describes many methods other than the standard drug prescriptions. Alternative methods of healing are examined here along with chiropractic, reflexology, yoga, acupuncture, shiatsu massage and many others. Links to various other web pages complete the scenario of information and Dr. Bower encourages people with further information, links or other ideas to help the holistic cause to email him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AdoptioNetwork I wasn't sure what section of BIGSURF to place this site so I hope that persons interested in this topic will find it here. This site holds a wealth of information for both adopters and adoptees. If you are thinking of adopting or are an adoptee then start your info-searches here for it is one of the best sites available concerning adoption topics and issues. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-Help Psychology Want to find out a little more on such topics as bulimia, penis size, impotence and relationship incompatibilites? Want to find a site that has lots of links to other sites that have info and self-help techniques and articles on all sorts of psychologically and inner-self related subjects? Then here is the place to go. This is a magazine that has brief but fairly informative articles and has pointers and links to other web resources. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biorhythms Web Site OK - this is not exactly "scientific" or medically sound advice that comes from the biorhythm chart that is custom made for you from this web site. But - it is cool - and seems to be useful for lots of people. You simply fill in the needed info on the web page and presto - a custom made chart is generated for you to read and look over. Everyone should try this out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------